Silence is GoldenGilded SurfacesSilver and Gold
Silver LeafGold LeafFool's Gold

The Name

Well, Trowa Barton is known as "The Silencer" and there is the stereotype that he almost never talks and is thus silent. None of those really are the main reason for the title, but they helped me decide on keeping the title.

"Silence is Golden" is a well known phrase or proverb. Its complete version is, "Speech is Silver. Silence is Golden." It is often used in situations where it is thought that saying nothing is preferable to speaking. It sounds pretty ironic considering all the writing, implicating speech, on here.

Still, though, the phrase stuck. Why? I kept hearing it while I was typing up much of the "Silver and Gold" part of this site. I heard it mainly due to listening to the song "Silence is Golden" by Garbage. Thus, that is why I named this site such.

In turn, as the site began to take shape, the title worked rather well in symbolic senses. Overall, it amuses me. I believe my decision to use the title was a fortunate event.

Main Page
Silence is Golden