It was more than I could ever hope for,
It was less than I could ever dream...
You have reached a nonexistent page! Do not worry, the links to the left should take you back to the main page of whatever site you were on!
You must have tried to view some pictures via one of my characters shrines. All of the images I had stored on this web site were lost due to a strange occurrence. When my web host was updating a component, everything I had loaded was lost. HTML files, images and audio were all gone. I had most of the information still on my computer and have redone the majority of my entire web site from writings to web shrine and so forth. Sadly, I hadn't backed up any of the pictures.
I have no idea when I'll replace the lost pictures because they took a long time to produce the first time. Recapturing countless of screen shots and manually scanning is a long and tedious process. When I'll find the time and interest, if unforeseeable.
"Danger, Will Robinson!" is from Lost in Space (1967), Season 3, Episode 11: "Deadliest of the Species".