It was more than I could ever hope for, ­

It was less than I could ever dream... ­

~Nyxity ­


Even the greatest of websites can have a flaw here and there, so for an amateur like me, I'm sure there are many. If you have something to say or note about this website and the various sites within, please contact me.

Feedback and reports on errors are well accepted. Things that are not working, files that are down, grammatical errors, misspellings, misinformation, and other issues are things I'd like to be informed of.

If an e-mail sent to me is related to the things mentioned above, please identify the page and the problem. If I have put up wrong information, please produce a source with the correct information.

I cannot guarantee a reply if the message sent is one's opinion of my website, I am awkward when actually communicating to an actual person. Still, I will try my best.

If you would like to contact me, Nyxity Lee, there are two ways possible:

1. E-mail me using the following link: Contact!
In sending me an e-mail, please type something pertaining to the website in the subject box. An example would be the title at the top of the page you are referring to. Otherwise, I will likely mistake it as spam.

2. Go to my Deviant Art Page (Nyxity on DA) and leave a note in the Comment Box or send a Note using the website. This of course is only useful if you are a part of DA.