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Probable Blood Type:

Along with Trowa's age, another thing that has popped up is his blood type. Where that came from is also past my knowledge. Rumors usually point to a mysterious person part of the production of Gundam Wing reporting such precious info in magazines or radio shows. It is said that he is AB on some web pages. Usually there is note that he is a "perfect" fit for the AB blood typology. Perhaps it is his blood type, I mean if anything his blood type, if brought up and checked through tests will undeniably be A, B, AB or O. I just have yet to know when his, as well as the other pilots', blood type came up for absolute proof.

Fascinatingly enough, I finally found the ellusive source. It is found in Rappport Deluxe's Gundam W Character Collection Anime Book that was published on November 25, 1995. On page 65 and 66 are pictures of some of the main characters framed by circles. The circles are labled with A, B, AB or O. The following is what is provided:

☆ Heero: A
☆ Duo: B
☆ Trowa: AB
☆ Quatre: O
☆ Wufei: B
☆ Relena: O
☆ Zechs: A
☆ Noin: O
☆ Treize: AB
☆ Une: AB
☆ Sally: A
☆ Dr. J: B

As interesting as this finding is, I cannot consider it as automatic proof. The reason? Bloodtypes are addressed nowhere else. In the front of the book you have pages dedicated to the main characters with their usual statistics from name, age, sex, height, weight, eye color and hair color. In all the other books regarding the main Gundam Wing characters there are no mentioning of bloodtypes in the character data. Thus, until I've managed to painsakingly translate enough of the page to know what is going on, Trowa's bloodtype being AB is still unnofficial.

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