I cannot find the right words
To whisper sweet nothings to you
If it will rectify though
I will stay steadfast at your side
Vividly I will dream in calming shades
Of you and a beautiful future
Just being in the shadow of your light
Having spent a single moment in a book
I hope that can be enough
I do love you, with all my heart
I just cannot say the words
I cannot give you the pretense of one in love
Nor can I say three simple words
If it is any remedy for your heart
All my feelings will be given in a longing glance
I would gather the dust from the stars
In faint hope their light will make you notice me
Just being in the shadow of your light
Having spent just a short time chatting softly
I hope that can be enough
I do love you, with all my soul
I just cannot speak the words
I've always found speaking as well as hearing the words "I love you" to be awkward. Instead I have always found actions to be most moving for me. Having a moment of mental, emotional or spiritual connection is far more groundbreaking than three simple words. I can feel those things more than words.