You’re Maxwell Lennox, the strong, silent type.
…well, silent, anyway. You were brought up
with hardcore good manners (think military
school), but you have this issue with rage
every once in a while. Hey, nobody’s perfect.
You also, for some odd reason, have been
wearing a gas mask your entire life and
haven’t the foggiest idea of what you look
like. Weirdo.
The General’s Son
brought to you by Quizilla
I swear… that character is “sexy”. I’m adding him to THE LIST.
Other than that, my mom left just now. She’ll be back Sunday. She’s thinking on enrolling me into a karate class. O.o…
Oh, and last night I opened the inside of my dad’s old computer tower. I’ll likely be using it soon, since I do tend to use all pass downs, and so I cleaned the inside of it. The dust was so bad it stained my carpet… especially when the dirt mixed with the damp cloth and the mixture dripped. Oh well. Hopefully I did not ruin anything.
I have a new CD as well, and drew two simple pictures last night or early this morning whatever the case. I had trouble sleeping last night either way, and woke up around noon despite constantly waking up every such hour. My mother, brother and I went out to eat. The place was not of my mother’s nor my fancy, but we did it to please my brother.
He spoke of possibly moving back up north, thus leaving my mother and I. I do not mind terribly, I guess. I just wonder what I will do if a problem arises like a machinery breaks down or the like. Oh well. He’s 23, so he can do as he wishes, and pretty much he wishes to leave.
After that my mother and I went to the grocery store. It was interesting since we need not get anything for my brother and my mom hardly ate any of her frozen dinners, so we spent perhaps slightly less than half the amount than usual. I was quite delighted, one might say.
Anyway, here I am typing away after putting up things, finding out what sort of ink cartriges my mother needs to get while gone and a few other things. I still feel tired. I believe I will go lay down.