Note and Survey…

Friday, have an appointment with Wynn… I just now forgot the time… 2:30 likely though.


What is your name?: Nyxity

Are you named after anyone?: Not really.

What’s your screen name?: Nyxity

Would you name a child of yours after you?: No,sir.

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Probably Kyle…

Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people inflict on your name constantly?: Constantly, no.

Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I will not become famous.

Straight/Gay/Bi: Platonic.

Single?: That is a hard question.

If not, do you want to be?: Does not matter.

Birthdate: I do not know the date my parents were together to make me be born.

Your age: 19

Age you act: That is difficult as well.

Age you wish you were: I would have to know what all ages are like to decide that.

Your height: I’m getting used to it.

Eye color: Brown.

Happy with it?: Most of the time.

Hair color (natural): Black.

Happy with it?: Mostly. I’d like it completely jet black.

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Southpaw.

Your living arrangement: Uh…

Your family: Immediate, there are five other human members and six other pet members.

Have any pets?: Yes.

What’s your job?: Looking after the house.

Piercings?: Ears.

Tattoos?: I want one.

Obsessions?: Eh…

Addictions?: Internet.

Do you speak another language?: No.

Have a favorite quote?: Yes.

Do you have a webpage?: You could say that.

Do you live in the moment?: I would not know.

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Likely… not.

Do you have any secrets?: I think everyone does.

Do you hate yourself?: Not anymore.

Do you like your handwriting?: Not really. Handwriting is awkward.

Do you have any bad habits?: Trichotillomania and likely others.

What is the compliment you get from most people?: Uh…

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Monosyllibic.

What’s your biggest fear?: Eh…

Can you sing?: I used to be able to decently.

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: That is funny.

Are you a loner?: Yep.

What are your top priorities in life?: I lack ambition.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I have no idea.

Are you a daredevil?: Nope.

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Not really.

Are you passive or agressive?: I guess passive.

Do you have a journal?: Yep.

What is your greatest strength and weakness?: That is difficult.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I’d be more screwed up in the head.

Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I suppose so nowadays.

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: At the moment, I think of nothing.

Do you think life has been good so far?: Good is a funny word.

What do you like the most about your body?: Eh… my hands I guess. I like hands.

And least?: *Smiles*

Do you think you are good looking?: Nope.

Are you confident?: Nope.

What is the fictional character you are most like: I do not think I am particularily like any.

Are you perceived wrongly?: Yeah.

Smoke?: Nope.

Do drugs?: Sort of.

Read the newspaper?: No.

Pray?: Not really.

Go to church?: That sort of place makes me nervous.

Talk to strangers who IM you?: No.

Take walks in the rain?: Sometimes, when I need it.

Talk to people even though you hate them?: I doubt I would.

Drive?: Mope.

Would or Have You Ever?: Huh?

Liked your voice?: I’d like it a bit deeper.

Hurt yourself?: Yep.

Been out of the country?: Not really.

Eaten something that made other people sick?: Not that I know of.

Been in love?: I suppose so.

Done drugs?: Sort of.

Gone skinny dipping?: No thanks.

Had a medical emergency?: Yep.

Had surgery?: I think I did.

Ran away from home?: No.

Played strip poker?: Ew.

Gotten beaten up?: Not really…

Beaten someone up?: Doubt it.

Been picked on?: Yes, sir.

Been on stage?: Sort of.

Slept outdoors?: Yeah.

Thought about suicide?: Recently, no.

Pulled an all nighter?: Yesh.

If yes, what is your record?: I do not keep track.

Gone one day without food?: Yeah.

Talked on the phone all night?: If so, I was really young.

Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: No.

Slept all day?: Two days straight.

Killed someone?: No.

Made out with a stranger?: Ew.

Had sex with a stranger?: Ew.

Thought you’re going crazy?: Going, no.

Kissed the same sex?: Not really.

Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No.

Been betrayed?: Who has not?

Had a dream that came true?: I don’t think so.

Broken the law?: I would not know.

Met a famous person?: Not that I know of.

Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No.

On purpose?: Roaches are not animals.

Stolen anything?: I am slightly klepto, but I always returned things not long after. That was when I was still in school.

Been on radio/tv?: Sort of.

Been in a mosh-pit?: No.

Had a nervous breakdown?: Yep.

Bungee jumped?: No.

Had a dream that kept coming back?: Sort of.

Miracles?: *Shrugs*

Astrology?: Fun to read at times.

Magic?: *Shrugs*

God?: *Shrugs*

Satan?: *Shrugs*

Santa?: *Smirks*

Ghosts?: *Shrugs*

Luck: *Shrugs*

Love at first sight?: *Shrugs*

Yin and yang (that good can’t exist w/o bad?): Yep.

Easter bunny?: *Smirks*

Believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: No.

Do you wish on stars?: Sometimes.

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: No.

Do you think God has a gender?: No.

Where do you think we go when we die?: I gave up on that a long time ago.

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Yep.

Who is your best friend?: Best is a funny word.

Who’s the one person that knows most about you?: I do not know.

What’s the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Uh… I never got much advice.

Your favourite inside joke?: Quack.

Thing you’re picked on most about?: “You’re weird”.

Who’s your longest known friend?: Uh…

Newest?: CP and Neko.

Shyest?: CP and Neko.

Funniest?: Uh…

Sweetest?: *Smiles*

Closest?: Eh… my cat, maybe.

Weirdest?: Um…

Smartest?: Ack…

Ditziest?: None.

Friends you miss being close to the most?: Heh…

Last person you talked to online?: I’m talking to one right now.

Who do you talk to most online?: CP or Neko.

Who are you on the phone with most?: Dad.

Who listens to your problems?: Mom.

Who do you fight most with?: None really.

Who’s the nicest?: *Laughs*

Who’s the most outgoing?: Eh…

Who’s the best singer?: I would not know.

Who’s on your hit-list?: I once had one.

Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: Ew.

Who’s your second family?: CP and Neko.

Do you always feel understood?: Hah.

Who’s the loudest friend?: Uh…

Who’s house were you last at?: *Smirks*

Name one person who’s arms you truly feel safe in: More like, I feel most safe snuggling my cat.

Do your friends really know you?: More than many.

Friend that lives farthest away: CP and Neko.

Do you consider love a mistake?: *Shrugs*

What do you find romantic?: Uh…

Turn-on?: Um…

Turn-off?: Eh…

First kiss?: Nope.

Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Duh.

Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out?: It is not?

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: *Laughs*

What is best about the opposite sex?: Those with a deep voice.

What is best about the same sex?: Lacking a certain thing. *Smirks*

What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: A certain thing.

What is the worst thing about the same sex?: A different certain thing.

What’s the last present someone gave you?: Swords. 😀

Do you consider your significant other hot?: *Chuckles*


Who Was the Last Person…

That haunted you?: Uh…

That you laughed at?: At?

That laughed at you?: That is difficult.

That turned you on?: A stranger with dark hair.

You went shopping with?: Mom.

That broke your heart?: Uh…

To disappoint you?: Eh…

To ask you out?: Heh.

To make you cry?: *Smiles vaguely*

That you thought about?: CP.

You talked to on the phone?: Dad.

You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Heh.

You saw?: mom.

You lost?: Uh…


Right This Moment…

Are you going out?: No.

Will it be with your significant other?: No.

Or some random person?: No.

What are you wearing right now?: Jeans, tank top, glasses, watch, dog collar on my wrist and my headsets.

Body part you’re touching right now: Funny.

What are you worried about right now?: Nothing.

What book are you reading?: I mainlt read Internet fictions.

What’s on your mousepad?: Blue.

Are you bored?: Not really.

Are you tired?: Sort of.

Are you talking to anyone online?: She’s getting dinner, but more or less, yes.

Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: I hate phones.

Are you lonely or content?: Content.

Are you listening to music?: Yes.

Are you eating anything?: No.


Two Names You Go By
1. Nyxity.
2. Whatever pet name my girls give me.

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Asian.
2. Bipolor.

Two Things That Scare You
1. Not in the mood…
2. … to write them out.

Two Everyday Essentials
1. Sleeping.
2. Drinking.

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Glasses.
2. Hair band.

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (as of now)
1. None…
2. … really.

Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Um…
2. I’d have to be in one to decide.

Two Truths
1. About…
2. … what?

Two things You Hate
1. The sound of vacuums or sounds like it.
2. There are others, but I cannot think at the moment.

Two things that appeal to you in the opposite gender
1. No breasts.
2. Deep voice.

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Sleeping.
2. Doing thing on the Internet.

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. I doubt…
2. … I’d write it down.

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. I’d stay in my room, thank you.
2. South Padre is nice.

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Meet CP and Neko face to face.
2. Make sure my writings and art are not killed off with my departure.

Books I’ve read and loved :
Good Omens, Neverwhere – both by Neil Gaiman. Terry Prachett collaborated with the first one.

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