The Scent of Sandalwood... ­


Welcome to Sandalwood

Sandalwood is dedicated to the character Orihara Kaoru from a manga titled Oniisama E... For the most part, this page is based on my interpretations, thus it may not be completely accurate. Despite that, it is full of spoilers.

Even more so, this is mainly comprised of texts, therefore, you had best be one for reading because that is what you will get. You will find information and that is about it.

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800X600 and Higher
Firefox 3.5.6 and Higher


May 18, 2012

The Analysis section of Sandalwood is complete again.

May 15, 2012

I've gotten the Secrets, Depth and Notables sections back up.

May 14, 2012

I've gotten the Information, Relations and References sections back up.

May 13, 2012

I've lost everything. During the process of trying to update my Wordpress program to the newest version all of my web files disapeared. The journal entries, the websites, the pages, the writings were all gone. Sigh... Therefore, I am now starting again from the begining. Fortunately I still have the raw texts for the websites for the most part. I'll have to redo graphics, web crunching and so forth though.

Well, as one can see, at the very least I have gotten an index page up. It will take time to get everything else though.