My blood work came back. I have high-cholesterol. I’ve never had high cholesterol before. My only problem is trying to compute how this equation works. Before this I had a certain diet that I always had since little. I had that diet last year.
When I had my physical done my blood work said my cholesterol was fine. At that time I ate Ramen noodles, corn, small microwavable pizzas and on occasions fries (and sometimes spicy chicken sandwiches) from Wendy’s. Those were my main taboos. I mainly drank soda or canned tea. Later on a lot of water was added to that.
This year it says it is high. This year my diet is oatmeal for breakfast on cold days and cereal on warm days. At lunch I usually have a peanut butter sandwich, or at times a bacon sandwich with mozzarella. Both of those are on whole grain bread. At night I have a cup of whole grain pasta. Sometimes I have baked fries that only have a light coating of Pam to make them not stick to the pan when cooking. My splurge is two scoops of sugar-free vanilla ice cream. I only drink water now. In addition to my new diet I take a vitamin E and fish oil pill.
Before my only exercise were doing house chores. Now I walk two miles a day for forty minutes. Just recently I’m trying to do these walks daily.
I eat little meat and if I do it is lean. I get plenty of fiber from all the grains I eat. I don’t like sugary things much. I eat a handful of grapes each morning for extra fiber. I get calcium from lactose free milk from the cereal and ice cream.
Truthfully, I don’t know what I am doing wrong. In my past I did eat corn at times and had some tomato sauces here and there.
The only thing I lack is the walnuts or almonds and vegetables. At the moment my diet won’t allow vegetables. Even without them, I still don’t see how the hell I have high-cholesterol. Oi.