I’m Afraid of _ Out of 72 Common Fears…

Well, my mom went back to work on Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday were mainly days she sat since she had classes/meetings/conferences/? in town. Thursday she car pooled with someone to her usual workplace and seemed to do fine.
Dad is his usual self as far as I know and I know little about my e-brother and sister. My second brother however has an extreme likelihood of getting his old job back at the newspaper here. It isn’t certain, but his chances are like 99%. If he does get his job back, I hope he knows how lucky he is. Such a thing doesn’t happen often in life I am sure. If he does get it, hopefully that will mean he won’t be leeching as much to not at all.
I got another email from my friend and while her life seems just as disheartening (and then some) as usual, it is good to “hear” from her. I just wish I could make her and her sister’s life better. The best I can do is be there if either needs to send an email to vent.

I Fear…

[ ] the dark (I’m more afraid of what is in it.)
[ ] staying single forever (I like being single.)
[x] being a parent (It is more for the sake of both the child and me.)
[x] giving birth (I am in awe of my mom.)
[ ] being myself in front of others (I don’t know how to not be myself.)
[ ] open spaces (Huh?)
[ ] closed spaces (Okay.)
[ ] heights (Not the height, just the fall.)
[ ] dogs (They annoy me rather than scare.)
[ ] birds (I am fond of them.)
[ ] fish (I won’t eat them if that is what you mean.)
[ ] spiders (I usually kill them whether they are poisonous or not since I really can’t tell.)
[ ] flowers or other plants (Nah.)

Total so far: 2

[ ] being touched (Not really. i just don’t like it from most. Also, I prefer a warning.)
[ ] fire (I fear the possible burn, but not the fire…)
[ ] deep water (Water is fine, shark and other such things… no.)
[ ] snakes (I don’t mind them, but if it is poisonous or will choke me… no thank you.)
[ ] silk (Nah.)
[ ] the ocean (It is more the case of what is in the ocean… you know, trash, people and sea life’s bodily waste, etc…)
[x] failure (Failing my parents, likely.)
[ ] success (I don’t really care about goals or aspirations.)
[ ] thunder/lightning (I wouldn’t want to be electrocuted though.)
[ ] frogs/toads (I won’t touch them, but they are fine.)
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad (Don’t want one.)
[ ] boyfriends/girlfriends mom (No significant other for me.)
[ ] rats (That is my mom’s fear…)
[ ] jumping from high places (If it is out of my own will, no. If someone is holding me at gun point over a steep cliff, yes.)
[ ] snow (Nah.)

Total so far: 3

[ ] rain (Love it unless it floods.)
[ ] wind (Love it unless it is at dangerous speeds.)
[ ] crossing hanging bridges (Huh?)
[ ] death (Not really. It is the dying part that I wonder about – you know, how one is going to die. I don’t want a painful death.)
[ ] heaven (The whole thing with flying in the clouds… isn’t it freaking cold up there?)
[ ] being robbed (I’d hate losing my stuff, but as long as they don’t hurt me or my family…)
[x] falling (Sort of… falls can often lead to pain.)
[ ] clowns (I’ve never really met one, but at most I’d probably be annoyed if he/she is loud or bothering me.)
[ ] dolls (My sister collected them.)
[ ] large crowds of people (Not really. I just fear the stimuli since I will often get headaches from it. Possibly have a break down even…)
[ ] men (Not unless it is a rapist, murderer or some such.)
[ ] women (Not unless it is a rapist, murderer or some such.)
[x] having great responsibilities (Great responsibilities nearly killed me.)
[ ] doctors, including dentists (I’m used to them.)
[x] tornadoes (Heck yeah.)

Total so far: 6

[x] hurricanes (Heck yeah.)
[x] incurable diseases (Who wouldn’t be?)
[x] sharks (Yeah. I’d be fine simply looking at one from a boat or aquarium, but being stuck in the water with such… meh…)
[ ] Friday the 13th (My birthday occasionally falls on it. I like the number 13.)
[ ] ghosts (Unless a ghost could hurt me, no.)
[x] poverty (All logic says I should be and I’d hate it if my parents fell into such. As for myself… I figure it would just mean I’d die on the streets.)
[ ] Halloween (I rather enjoy the decorations… The trick-or-treaters annoy me though.)
[ ] school (I hate it. I fear the people in the building more than the school.)
[ ] trains (I’ve never been necessarily near one. No, though.)
[ ] odd numbers (Odd is nice.)
[ ] even numbers (Even can be nice too.)
[x] being alone (Humans require contact with others.)
[x] becoming blind (Since I have the fortune to see, I’d hate to lose it.)
[x] becoming deaf (I enjoy music too much – selfish, I know.)
[ ] growing up (Eh?)

Total so far: 13

[x] creepy noises in the night (I usually just wait it out though until I figure out what it is.)
[x] bee stings (It’d suck and I have no idea if I’m allergic… I avoid bees.)
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals (I don’t really have any dreams or goals.)
[ ] needles (I’m used to them.)
[ ] blood (Use to it.)
[ ] dinosaurs (If I met one in real life, though, yeah.)
[ ] the welcome mat (Heh.)
[x] high speed (Depends on the situation, but in the over all scheme, yeah.)
[ ] throwing up (It hurts my throat, but that is all.)
[ ] falling in love (It would be burdensome, but I don’t fear it.)
[ ] super secrets (If I can’t keep it, I will say so. If it is mine, I likely won’t tell.)

Total: 16

If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid.
If you get 10-20, you are normal.
If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless.
People who don’t have any are liars.

… if you wish to post this in your journal, it’s been requested that you title it I’m afraid of _ out of 72 common fears…