I did not go in on *Monday due to being bedridden for the day. When my dentisit appointment rolled around, I went, but was miserable. It seems my teeth are undergoing erosion. The reason is likely due to the amount of soda I drink. Cut back on the soda then? I do not drink that much, just about two to three a day. That is not much compared to some people I know. Still the acid is effecting my teeth horrendously.
Tuesday, I went to my “job” as usual. It felt clammy, sick and what-not during the morning, but it calmed down later on. I was rather irritable… thus when a lady was being cheerful I was thinking, “Get the hell away from me.” I’m sure there were subconscious things as well… they were likely far more vile, though.
Wednesday, today, was all fine. I was in better shape and actually slept rather decently the night before, which is a rarity lately. I walked home as usual, did some chores, ate something finally and ended up crashing around three. I awoke again at five when my mother peeped her head into my room.
Anyway… tomorrow is my day off, thus I will mainly do chores and dusting. There is something scheduled tomorrow for 2 o’clock… something about my social security. Anything else? Nah.