Crash and Burn…

Though time is just a concept, I seem to have less of it the past month or so. I seem to get so little done these days. That is a shame since just as this began I had a lot of things I wanted to get done. Instead, they’ve hit the shelf just as quickly. Normally I’d pull one of those huge mania-fueled project binges that eventually result in crashing and hitting the bed for a while later…
Well, this time, despite holding back on the mania and pacing myself, I got about 1% of anything done outside my chores. That includes not even finding time for my simplest of pastimes like checking my usual websites on the internet. Pretty much this month or so has been mainly “’work’ and sleep”. There has been the walking/yoga and television watching per usual, but sometimes those things are like work as well.
The real kicker is that since this past Thursday to now, I’ve been feeling like crap. It isn’t allergies, a cold or whatever… I just never feel rested after sleeping. Even if I have slept all day, I don’t feel rested. I’ve been eating regularly, have that protein shake with a B vitamin in the morning, exercise lightly and sleeping decent hours with no waking up in between. My mind is just fine, it hasn’t endured that annoying headache feeling from too much sleep. I just feel like I haven’t rested at all.
Son of a gun.