Ah… websites that were all in basic html and what was considered fancy were left side frames for listing, animated gifs, tiled backgrounds that did not always lace or were pictures that were simply faded, tacky separators, clear tables with thick borders, midi music in the background and an occasional water/lake java applet. Hello, mid 90’s.
I’ve been meandering about the Internet and once in a while during this spring I would see if there were any sites that I went to back during those times were still around. Many aren’t, but the times I found one that was still alive, I’d become nostalgic.
This one site is over a decade old now. It looks completely different, but it still homes fictions from old times. I read through some and stumbled upon “authors” I loved when young. There would be notes that implicated how old they were at the time and it would amaze me how much time had passed.
It is recently have I really been at it. I’ve been looking at sites I never was aware of from back then, but it is apparent the pages are from such “era”. They just have that look.
Another factor is when there are certain images used in galleries that will make the site shout out “I’m a senior!” What spurred this recent site searching was due to searching for an old picture I never saw around on more up to date pages. I found it on old pages easily.
I forgot however, that back in those days pictures were smaller… because the biggest screen resolution back then was 800×600! Also, scanners were not great and the only format around was jpg that slowly deteriorated the picture’s quality as other sites stole/borrowed/used the pic from somewhere else…
Oh, another nostalgic thing… no thumbnails! Half the image gallery pages one encountered did not use thumbnails!
Oh… and the big banners… they were usually around 400×100 in size… Some were in forms of silly awards given to the site, some to be placed at the top or bottom of the page to tell you where you were, or for linkage.
Heh… yep… there is much nostalgia. Those sites can get away with midis and java lakes. They can do so because they are static and they are like an old teddy bear you used to call Mr. Snuggles but cannot bear to throw him away, so you keep him hidden in a sock drawer and pull him out for a warm fuzzy feeling every once in a while…
Many are broken links now, however… I wish the people just left the sites they made back then up. I mean they took the time to make it back then, why throw it away? Memories, people! Memories! Perhaps they would be considered embarrassing maybe… but… wah… There are just some pages I remember distinctly and miss greatly now. Good times…
Anyway… there really is not as much to write now, or I just cannot remember this passed week that well… I think I saw Cindy. Sometime in the middle of the week two women came by. They made me nervous… but most people make me nervous, so I took it as normal. They talked to me probably for half an hour while on my doorstep about God. I mainly tried to understand what they were talking about and why they were there.
I never knew what Jehovah Witness people are other than that not many people like them… I did not know that is what they were at the time, but my mother saw the magazines they gave me and threw them away the moment I handed them to her once she got home. After that I became anxious and more confused really.
I found I still handle stress the same way as usual. I either try not to think, ignore or sleep so I do not have to do either. Simply put, I felt sick for a while. Stress was from wondering how to identify people like that again, how to handle the situation, try to comprehend what was so terrible, hoping they would not come again, Mom made me nervous by her reaction, etc…
My dad came down but I was asleep most of the time because I took what my mom dubs “a chill pill†at a dosage that was more than usual. He left this morning.
Um… other than that, I have a dental appointment this Wednesday. Oh, joy…