"Goals"… Ha! Funny…

Well, my mom is back from her trip to check on my brother. Simply put, she was very exhausted when she came back. She told me how it would have been a huge help if I had been there. I am sure I would have… but I avoid that place almost like the plague now. Anyway, as said, she came back, which was on Sunday night. I did my first “goal” – ha! Yeah, it will seem utterly easy and silly to most, but after doing it, I felt sick. What did I do? I called Domino’s and ordered a pizza. Heh.

Yes, I have never ordered a pizza before, much less anything else. I think I had numbed myself during the process. I also became a bit paranoid when I heard laughing in the background. The reason was due to questioning if the phone was a speaker one and people were laughing at me. Yes, I am that pathetic. Heh. Still… I did it! My mom also came in after to have me write the check. I had tried to once before, but my sister was guiding me on it… I messed up millions of times. This time around I did it relatively with ease. Relatively because I have not the best memory on exactly how it went in regards to writing out the numbers.

Sunday night and Monday morning was spent talking with CP. I wrote a short story for no reason in particular, and I believe it sucks. I took the time though, and quite a bit of thought so… I am keeping it. CP helped me think of a title for it. She is a doll. Love her – and her cat… I lub her cat… Hu! Along with that I drew some, nothing that I would put in the collection of my more “serious” pieces – Serious! Ha! – Nevertheless, they are enough for me to keep. I showed her some and after she left to go to bed, I drew two more later.

The rest of the day was uneventful… but! When it hit around two in the morning, tonight I found the ink cartridges I told my mother that was needed. I noticed a warning on her computer about how low the ink supply was. I never replaced such things before, but I did that night and I felt giddy. Yes, I feel giddy over the simplest things.

Huh… perhaps I am more like my fictional characters than I thought. Hu! It did come to my attention though… I always have preferred to do things without others watching. That silly psychological resulted in the woman saying something along the lines of not getting the sort of socializing that is secretly yearned for or something. Also, there was something like me being restricting myself and being vigorous about trying to do everything right in order to not be criticized or the like. I do not know. I would require that silly piece of paper to be able to remember it better, or to simply put down more clarified words and ideas about it. Well… I suppose the latter could be correct, but I mainly did such things because I preferred doing them in such a way. I liked learning things on my own. I think I always have. I mean, where is the giddiness in repeating what someone tells you to do? It feels more accomplishing when you do it yourself, I think.

Now, that does not mean I will not ask for help when I am utterly clueless. No, sir… I required my brother to be there when ordering the pizza. One, I did not remember our phone number’s first three numbers; second, he told me something that occurred in the process of ordering that I would not have been prepared for. I did it fine enough on my own from there, other than asking for his help on the phone number. What was a good thing was that he was there when I repeated the price of the order. I forgot it the moment I turned the phone off. Yes, I am that bad with numbers. Heh.

Oh yeah, I made up to around seventy-six animated gifs. That is mad… utterly mad! Oh, well… I’m a cucke! Wha-ha!

Well, I think that is all I am really going to type out tonight. Ah, how I write about the most uninteresting things. Oh well. Um, also my dad should be coming down this Friday and will not be leaving until Wednesday. Go, Dad! Then a week after, on Friday I will be seeing Mrs. Wynn.