Psychologist… Psychologist… Whoo…

I saw the psychologist today. We – my mom, her and I – went over the scoring and her assessment on all of that lovely stuff. I rather lacked in paying deep attention. For the most part I believe the talking went in one ear and out the other. No aspergers the lady thinks. My mother still questions. There were things my mother and I disagreed with on some of her thoughts.
There was a screening on my intellectual abilities. My IQ is relatively the same as the last time. The thing says “functions in the Superior Range of measured intelligence” … “this places (my) cognitive functioning at or above aproximately 96% of (those who are my) peers” … “(my) verbal skills appear slightly better developed than (my) nonverbal reasoning skills” and it “falls in the Superior Range” … “Performance IQ (gives the score) falls in the Upper High Average Range” …
There was scoring for the verbal and performance subtests and I apparently did very well.
There was more on what my diagnosis was. Again my mother and I agreed with her over some things and yet did not on others. When all of that was done we went off to do errands. She stopped by a grease world food place to get me a drink since I have been deprived of one for hours as well as some fries since I was hungry. I went over the sheet the psychologist gave us and made a few notes on things that seemed absurd to be placed next to me. In the end we returned home around five or something like that.
I could write more I suppose, but I am not really in the mood, so this shall end in some notes.

My sister visited us during the weekend.
My brother came back from his week long vacation on Sunday night.
Thursday Mom will leave to check on my eldest brother and the cats and will return Sunday.
Dad will come down the following Friday.
The Friday after that one, I will see Mrs. Wynn.
If there is more to be known, I am not aware.